TOPAbout UsMarubeni Aerospace Management Philosophy


As a member of the Marubeni Group, Marubeni Aerospace serves our clients and society by sharing the values listed in the Marubeni Company Creed and the Code of Conduct, and acting in compliance with laws and regulations.

Marubeni Corporation Company Creed


Our Company creed is “Sei, Shin, Wa” which may be translated as “Fairness, Innovation and Harmony”
“Fairness” refers to being just and transparent, “Innovation” refers to being proactive in generating creative ideas, and “Harmony” refers to respecting one another’s character and working well together.

The Marubeni Code of Conduct

Stipulated in 2013, "Marubeni Spirit”, expresses the corporate culture and spirit promoted by the Marubeni Group

Have the willpower to shape the future;
Relish a great challenge;
Value a full, free and vigorous debate;
Persevere through hardships;
Maintain a formidable sense of fairness.